The family Høg-Andersens archive
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Below you find all family documents saved by Anders Johan Høg-Andersen and his progenies.
I have grouped the documents by the person/persons the documnts is about and after that in chronological order.
Totally it is about 150 dokuments.
Above, some photos saved by Sigfrid.
But first you have to look at this wounderful family picture!
But who are these people?

F: Eugenia Høg-Andersen
H: Anders Johan Høg-Andersen
I: Ane Høg-Andersen (A J’s wife)
K: Ester Høg-Andersen ?
L: A J Vagn Pedersen Høg-Andersen
The archive
Johannes and Botilda
Anders Johan Høg-Andersen
(24 documents)
Anders Johannes Vagn Pedersen Høg-Andersen
(64 documents)
Helene Martine Høg-Andersen (born Olsen) with father and mother
(Anders Johannes Vagn’s wife)
(20 documents)
Eugenia* Harriet Margaritha
Bothilda Rask Andersen
Ib Vagn Høg-Andersen
Arne Høg-Andersen
Aage Jens Aagesen
“Lidt Släktregister”, (a small family register), the document below, is specially. A family investigation made by Anders Johan Høg-Andersen 1948.
Above the original.
Here to the left I try to transcribe it in Swedish. If anyone find somthing wrong in it, please tell me!
In one of the envelopes there was a facksimil. I don’t know if it belongs to the family.