Sorting off, and searching in, a table in this site:
What’s told here is applicable on all tables on this site.
You can sort by column, ascending or descending, by clicking at the “up/down”-arrows by any headline.
Ex 1: Georg’s scrapbook

Ex 2: Svenskarne i Illinois
You also can search any person/place (row) by writing the word/name or part of a word, found in any column, in the search square. If you type e.g. ”ander” you will get all rows containig this letter combination, e.g. Anders, Welander, Hollander, Anderson, Anderstorp, etc.
something to remember is that, e.g. places, not always is spelled today as it did once, e.g., Wermland, Vestergöland, Widtsköfle, Vernamo, Wexiö, etc.
The page numbert, and sometimes the text in another column, e.g. the last name, is as you can se by that the text is blue and underlined, click able and opends the actual page in a new tab. Remember, you can not turn page in the book in this tab. If you want to turn page in the book you have to open the the hole book in a separate tab.
(Rightclick – open link in new tab)