In Holms parish, just north of Halmstad, there is a number of farms in the village Källstorp, (Kielstorp). On one of these farms (Källstorp Nr 1, Anders Larsgård), lived in several generations families where the name of the man alternately was Anders Esbjörnsson and Esbjörn Andersson. I have read many tax/census records from 1688 to 1767. 1712 an enigma ariseswhich I find difficult to find the solution to.
(d = daughter, s = son, p = maid och dr = farm hand)
(Volume och pagenumber refers to the tax/census records under the Halland County districts office. The picture numbers is Arkiv Digitals numbering. )
(“?” means that it’s something I find hard to read.)
Christer, Christer Arvidsson, mentioned a few times below is a very experienced family researcher and knows a lot in reading old writing.
He is often active in the Swedish Family Societies forum for help in reading, for example:
NOTE! All pictures is “klickable”!
3 mantal
EI:28 page 3411 picture 4240
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EI:34 page 4246 picture 8270
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EI:37 page 5205 picture 10440
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EI:58 page 8328 picture 17910
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EI:60 page 2631 picture 13250
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EI:63 page 4182 picture 19440
Now my
question marks
are coming!
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EI:78 page 2405 picture 12050
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EI:96 page 3607 picture 16590
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EI:99 page 3775 picture 14620
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EI:102 page 2373 picture 11690
Above Holms dead book CI:1 1712 page 195, AD picture 990.
sep 30 dies the wife Ellna Jonsdotter, 52 1/2 years old.
okt 10 dies dottern Karin, 17 years old.
okt 11 dies sonen Jon, 9 years old.
okt 12 dies sonen Anders, 15 years old.
okt 13 “afsombnade” (=dies) (Thanks Christer!) Esbjörn Andersson in Kielstorp, 62 1/2 years old.
In tax/census 1713 is Esbjörn Andersson mentioned, but without tax/sencus. He should be dead.
The son Anders is mentioned as unmarried.
Then he aught to live, but according to the dead book he dies before his father.
I have searched the compleate tax/Census for Holm 1712 and 1713 without finding any other Anders Esbjörnsson.
In tax/cencus 1714, below to the left, he’s noted as married which is true relative the merriage book, Holm CI:1 1712 page 335, AD picture 1660.
(Seems to be written “afterwards”.)
In Holms parish there is a lot of church books missing between, about, 1725- 1800.
Any estate inventory after Esbjörn Andersson or his wife, Ellna Jonsdotter have I not found.
Any traces after their daughters, Ingeborg and Inger, I’ve not found, exept when they was born.
Well, how is this now connected?
Has the priest written the wrong child in the death book? (But both name and age is corresponding to Anders.)
According to est. inv. 1699 and 1700 there should be a son Knuth. I can not find any Knuth in the birth- or in the death book.
Is it an Anders Esbjörnsson who has moved in from another parish? (I have checked several parishes in the neighborhood without finding any candidat.)
The death book does not exist when Anders dies and in the estate inventory you can’t read anything about the age of Anders.
Is there a solution that I just don’t se?
4 mantal
EI:105 page 3369 picture 15430
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EI:108 page 2962 picture 12570
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EI:112 page 713 picture 7200
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EI:116 page 426 picture 2220
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EI:119 page 1967 picture 9390
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EI:123 page 4906 picture 6730
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EI:172 page 5828 picture 6450
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EI:178 page 6126 picture 10880
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EI:187 page 5758 picture 5820
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Picture from the National Archive
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