Can you trust the priest (1)
In the example below has the mother one name in the christening register but another name in the catechism record.
I have looked at the family from two directions. First from the christening register and then from the son, Jöns, marriage.
It ought to be the same family, or? … …
NB! Click on the pictures for enlargement.
Jöns Carlsson is born on the farm Käfset,
Villstad C:2 1716-09-03 page 11 ADO picture 10
Father: Carl Jönsson
Mother: Maria Jonsdotter
Hfl Villstad AI:1 (1717-1724) page 2
ADO picture 9
Farm Kiöffser (Käfset)
Here lives one Carl and a son Jöns but the wifes name is Elin
Hfl Villstad AI:1 (1724-1730) page 76
ADO picture 46
Farm Käfset
The family does’n live on the farm Käfset any more.
Hfl Villstad AI:1 (1727-1730) page 159
ADO picture 87
Carl Jönsson
wife Elin Jonsdotter
son Jöns
son Nils
Hfl Villstad AI:2
page 81
ADO picture 48
Carl Jönsson
wife Elin
son Jöns
son Nils
doughter Malin
I have followed Carl and Elin from birth to dead.
Following catechism records, birth- och dead register:
fb Villstad C:1 1690 page 57 ADO picture 35 Carl is born
fb Villstad C:1 1693 page 104 ADO picture 58 Elin is born
hfl Villstad AI:1 (1717-1723) page 2 ADO picture 9 Lives on Käfset
hfl Villstad AI:1 (1724-1730) page 159 ADO picture 87 Lives on Högakull
hfl Villstad AI:2 (1731-1737) page 80 ADO picture 48 Högakull
hfl Villstad AI:2 (1734-1744) page 226 ADO picture 121 Högakull
hfl Villstad AI:3 (1745-1750) page 59 ADO picture 37 Högakull
hfl Villstad AI:3 (1751-1755) page 225 ADO picture 120 Högakull
hfl Villstad AI:3 (1756-1760) page 459 ADO picture 237 Högakull
hfl Villstad AI:4 (1761-1765) page 83 ADO picture 52 Högakull Carl dies 1763-09-07 db Villstad C:3 1763 page 153 ADO picture 79
hfl Villstad AI:4 (1766-1770) page 272 ADO picture 147 Högakul Elin dies 1768-03-19 db Villstad C:3 1768 page 187 ADO picture 96
Vb Villstad C:2 page 279 1742-03-28 ADO picture 143
Was the farm hand Jöns Carlsson from Högakull married with the maid Brita Pehrsdotter from Högsberg
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