Churches and graves …
.. is a booklet with information over, for me known, graves of relatives in our “nearest” family. Here you also will find some graves over some persons more distant in the bloodline, most often on my mothers side.
Göte’s family is relative big, many persons have ben able to tell abot them and the traces was easier to find.
Märtas family is small and the traces was more difficult to find, but also more exiting when I found something.
The “Drummers croft”, at the beach by the sea Fegen, was the small farm where my grandmothers mother was born. No one has been able to tell me about my grandmother Gerda’s siblings or about my grandmothers grandmother. Now I think I know, at least, a little. On Sandvik’s cemetery there is two family graves for grandmother mothers brothers.
Johannes lived on Svedjan, a croft, and Lars Magnus on Liden, a hut. I have read the inventory after their fathers and mothers dead , David and Johanna. It was poorly.
On Särestad’s graveyard, here to the right, between Årstad and Asige, persons is buried who belonged to famelies who lived in Särestad under the Brons- and the Iron Age (1500 f Kr – 1000 A. D.). Relatives to us?