The cist grave in Blixtorp
There is a lot of ancient monuments around Årstad.
The cist grave in Blixtorp has got a special place in our familys history.
David, about 6 years old, was fascinated of the stone axes his father John had and a sunny day in the spring 1932/33, he had found his way to one of the heights in Blixtorp where a cist grav is located. (That it was excavated in the end of the 1800’s he didn’t know.) He put his hand inside it .. . no stone tools . . but a box full of money and a nice broosh . ….
Start the sound player here under, by clicking on the right arrow, and listen to what David tells when we, David, Mats and me, viseted the place yesterday.
1660 SEK 1932 comes today up to, mars 2015, about 50 000 SEK, for this David got 2 SEK, today 55 SEK. SCB prisomräknaren
Uncles, Bror Mårtensson, portrait of the siblings from about 1935.
The cist grave: N 56° 54,553′ E 12° 41,828′
A short film from our visit.
Above you find a article written by Lennart Lundborg and published in the magazine “In Halland” no 3, 2010. The picture of the arrow head, that was found at the excavation 1899, did I get in a mail answer thanks to a flash operation of Jacqueline Taffinder on
The Swedish History Museum.
Click and read
A more detailed article was published in “Hallandsbygd, 2014-2015”.
Also this written by Lennart Lundborg.
“Hallandsbygd” is released by Varbergs and Ätradalens circuit for local history,
Some pictures from the day.
Click for enlargements.
The articles, here to the left, is pubished with kind permissin of Lennart Lundborg. Thank’s, Lennart, for this and a for a nice talk!