Hjalmar Johansson – The motor cycle
Here you find a little about Hjalmar’s Cleveland motorbike.
One summer day in 2008, I was sitting in Lasse’s living room, together with Lasse and Svea and had a cup of coffee. Lasse took out an enlarged photo, Hjalmar on his Cleveland. The picture which made me curious is to be found in Hjalmar’s album 3, picture H3-106.
I did some research in the county records office in Lund , look at “the register file”. I also found an “automobile register” within the “Project Runeberg”.
The “Project Runebergt” is a fantastic project, where one try to digitise and OCR-reed all the ancient Swedish literature. I have myself contributed with some books from the middle of the 18’th century, “Sluga gumman” and “Kloka gubben”. You will find them here if you hit “Library” here on this site, or in the “Project Runeberg”, http://runeberg.org/ .